Tutor Profiles
Instructors Tutors Educational Partners Staff-
Bodin, Karen
German -
Chelf, David
Mathematics -
Dorosheff, Monika
String Orchestra -
Fredrick, Wyndy
Private Music and Voice Lessons -
Harmon, Judith
Acting, Sewing/Costuming, Crafting -
Jensen, Kathy
Language Arts and Math Tutor -
Kirshon-Goldman, Dr. Alina
Group Choral Classes & Private Instruction in Voice, Violin and Viola -
Klote, Svetlana
Russian Language Tutor -
Linn, Les
Band -
Mello, Ney
Guitar, Drums, Piano -
Mourad, Yara
Arabic -
Nyman, Mylene
Cooking, Mosaics -
Park, Suzan
Piano -
Pinover, Edwige
French -
Ramos, Felipe
American Sign Language (ASL) -
Ramsey, Ashley
Elementary Mathematics -
Shumway, Karen
Chemistry, Biology, Elementary Science -
Somerville, Christina
High School English -
Taborga, Sirdley
Spanish -
Vanlandingham, Catherine
Reading Specialist -
Vitello, Linda
Piano -
Xu, Helen