President’s Award of Outstanding Academic Excellence

Compass is an awarding organization for the President’s Award of Outstanding Academic Excellence. This award is part of the President’s Education Awards Program (PEAP) through the US Department of Educations and the national associations of school principals (NAESP, NASSP).

The President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence recognizes students who have achieved academic excellence and who are “graduating” from elementary school (completing 6th grade, rising 7th grader); middle school (completing 8th grade, rising 9th grader); and high school (graduating 12th grader). This award is a commendation and validation of academic success for homeschooled students and will be a noteworthy accomplishment on a student’s record or personal resume. An awards ceremony will be held each spring to recognize these students.

[accordion title=”General” active=”yes|no”]
Students will receive a stamped and enameled metal pin and gold-seal PEAP certificate in a folder. 6th graders receive the blue/gold pin; 8th graders receive the red/gold pin; and 12th graders receive the black/gold pin. Graduating seniors may purchase an optional graduation cord.
There is no cost to recipients for this award. Graduating seniors may purchase an optional graduation cord for $12.50 (by check payable to Compass at the time of application).
[accordion title=” Eligibility” active=”yes|no”]
Compass Status
Student must have been enrolled at Compass during the current academic year, including Spring Quarter (when awards ceremony will be held).
Student must be considered a 6th grader, 8th grader, or 12th grader for one of these awards.
Required Ceremony
Student must attend a mandatory awards ceremony each spring. Inability to attend the award ceremony will result in forfeiture of the award.
[accordion title=” 6th Graders” active=”yes|no”]
Report Cards or Transcript
Submit report cards or a transcript reflecting 5th-6th grade work. If the homeschooled 6th grader was in traditional school for 5th grade, provide official year-end school report card or transcript for year(s) attended and parent-generated report card for homeschooled years/terms through the first semester (first half) of 6th grade. Parent generated report cards or transcript should list subjects studied and letter grade awarded (A, B, C, D, F), where an A represents at least a 90% mastery. Overall grades from 5th-6th grade must average to 90% to be eligible.
Parent Statement
Provide a written parent statement discussing student’s academic motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities, and/or exceptional judgement. Statement should be limited to one typed page.
Notice of Intent
Provide a copy of both your current year and next year’s NOIs to your county which indicates that your child is considered a 6th grader.
Test Scores
Provide a copy of standardized test results from a nationally normed test which reflects at least 6th grade level and has a composite score of 90th percentile or higher. Common nationally normed tests include California Achievement Test, Stanford, and Iowa Test of Basics Skills, but other tests will be considered if scores are reported as nationally normed.
Submit Compass application form and all other documents in hard copy to Compass via hand-delivery or US mail by May 21, 2021.

[accordion title=”8th Graders” active=”yes|no”]
Report Cards or Transcript
Submit report cards or a transcript reflecting 7th-8th grade work. If the homeschooled 8th grader was in traditional school for 7th grade, provide official year-end school report card for year(s) attended and parent-generated report card for homeschooled years/terms through the first semester (first half) of 8th grade. Parent generated report card should list of subjects studied and letter grade (A, B, C, D, F), where an A represents at least a 90% mastery. Indicate which grade(s), if any, were awarded by an outside teacher other than the parent. Provide back-up documentation, if any, for outside (non-parent) grades awarded. Overall grades from 7th-8th grade must average to 90% to be eligible.
Parent Statement
Provide a written parent statement discussing student’s academic motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities, and/or exceptional judgement. Statement should be limited to one typed page.
Notice of Intent
Provide a copy of both your current year and next year’s NOI to your county which indicates that your child is considered a 8th grader.
Test Scores
Provide a copy of standardized test results from a nationally normed test which reflects at least 8th grade level and has a composite score of 90th percentile or higher. Common nationally normed tests include California Achievement Test, Stanford, and Iowa Test of Basics Skills, but other tests will be considered if scores are reported as nationally normed.
Submit Compass application form and all other documents in hard copy to Compass via hand-delivery or US mail by May 21, 2021.

[accordion title=”12th Graders” active=”yes|no”]
Submit a high school transcript reflecting 9th-12th grade work. The high school transcript should be a 1-page, summary document with the names of all high school coursework, grades earned, and GPA through first semester of 12th grade. In-progress, 2nd semester classes should be listed and labeled “in progress” with no grade assigned if 2nd semester courses will not be complete by time of application.
The composite transcript should include all coursework completed, whether in-person classes, online classes, dual enrollment, part-time public school enrollment, or self-directed.
Back-Up Documentation
Provide back-up documentation for all grades that were awarded by outside entities, such as copies of community college transcripts, report of final grade from an online class, an AP score, etc.
If any semester or year of high school was completed in a traditional school, provide the official year-end report card or school transcript as back-up for the terms attended.
Transcript should include student’s GPA, calculated over 7 semesters, on a 4.0 scale. Quality points can be awarded for honors classes (+0.5), AP (+1.0) or dual enrollment (+1.0).
Overall high school GPA must be 3.5 or higher for this award.
Student Activities
Provide a student resume or one-page typed statement of activities, written by the student, listing his/her extracurricular activities, leadership, volunteer work, employment, sports, awards, or honors in high school.
Notice of Intent
Provide a copy of your current year NOI to your county which indicates that your child is considered a 12th grader.
Entrance Exam Score
Provide a copy of standardized test results from a college entrance exam (SAT or ACT) reflecting a score of 90th percentile or higher.
Submit Compass application form and all other documents in hard copy to Compass via hand-delivery or US mail by May 6, 2022.


For more information or questions on the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, contact Compass.