Reminder: Compass Make-Up Week (Mar. 10-14)
Remember that this week, March 10-14 is a make-up week for Compass classes that were cancelled during 3rd quarter. These cancellations were due to winter weather and instructor illnesses. 4th quarter spring classes begin at Compass next week, and registration is still open!
- All Monday classes will meet on March 10 (snow cancellation on Jan 20)
- All Tuesday 1pm and 2pm classes will meet March 11 (early closure on Feb 11)
- All Wednesday classes will meet on March 12 (snow cancellation on Feb 12)- except Intergrated MS Science
In addition to the snow make-ups, some classes have additional make-up sessions for cancellations when instructors were ill or absent. For classes that have two or more make-ups, every effort has been made to schedule sessions back-to-back or to provide other options. Because of schedule constraints, some of the doubled make-ups are offered at different times and on different days.
Families should check their email communications from teachers explaining their make-up schedule. Make-up classes are noted on the Compass calendar.