Learn to Love Language Arts with Creative Classes at Compass!

Young students can learn to love language arts when reading, comprehension, composition, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and handwriting are introduced in fun new ways in small classes. Look at all of the classes Compass has to get homeschooled students in K-8th excited about language arts this fall! Classes begin next week. Register online.

  • Reading Ready (Tue)- Kinder
  • Wee Writers (Tue)- Kinder
  • Creative Storytelling (Tue or Thu) 2nd-3rd
  • New Twist on Old Tales (Wed) 2nd-3rd
  • Word Games: A Language Arts Olympics (Thu) 2nd-3rd
  • Penmanship Pals (Thu) 2nd-4th
  • Writing Wonders (Tue or Thu) 3rd-4th
  • Secret Pages Society (Thu) 4th-6th
  • Word Masters: Verbal Analogies and Vocab Challenges (Tue) 4th-6th
  • Great Graphic Novels (Tue) 5th-6th
  • Writers’ Workshop: Creating Colorful Characters (Wed) 6th-7th
  • Extra, Extra! Non Fiction News-Writing (Wed) 7th-12th (Compass student newspaper)