Compass News & Announcement: Week of Oct 2
(1) Registration for 2nd Quarter Classes is open and ongoing. The 10% early registration discount is offered through midnight on October 13. Do not wait: 55 classes are full and on a wait list, while 101 classes still have space. Register for open classes online. Additionally, some semester-long and year-long classes may be able to add students. Ask Compass for more information on late enrollment and prorated fees for these.
(2) The Annual Fall Homeschool Book Sale is being held this week, October 3 – October 5 from 10:00 am- 3:00 pm in Suite C featuring a large selection of Usborne books, titles by Kane Miller, and STEM kits/toys by SmartLab. Hundreds of books are displayed, and copies are sold on-the-spot. There is a “Buy 4 and Get 1 More Free” offer, and the sale is open to the public.
(3) School Pictures are scheduled for the week of October 23 – 27. Sign up in advance for 5-minute time slots through Sign-Up Genius. The Sign-Up Genius links will be e-mailed to enrolled families October 4-5. There is no fee for the photo session. Purchase digital downloads or hard copy photos from the photographer, Angela Goodhart of Goodhart Photography.
(4) Columbus Day. Compass classes will meet on Columbus Day, Monday, October 9. This along with MLK Day (Jan 15) and Presidents’ Day (Feb 19) are NOT holidays for Compass.
(5) 2024 Spelling Bee Registration is now open for the 2024 Junior Spelling Bee (ages 5-8) on February 21, 2024 and the Senior Spelling Bee (ages 9-15) on February 28, 2024. Compass students and non-Compass homeschooled students can sign up on the Activity Fees page.
(6) Greater Fairfax Homeschool Geography Bee. Registration is now open for the annual Geography Bee (grades 4-8) on November 29 from 4:30 pm- 6:00 pm. Compass students and non-Compass homeschooled students can sign up on the Activity Fees page.
(7) Teen Fall Party: (ages 13+) Save the Date for the teen fall party on Saturday, November 4, from 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm. This will be a costume party with games, activities, music/dancing, and pizza dinner for Compass teens.
(8) Virginia K-12 Learning Acceleration Grant: On September 18, the state of Virginia re-opened applications for the grant for families who make at/below 3X the federal poverty limit ($90,000 or less for a family of 4). This provides $3000 per child ages (5-18) to be used by May 30, 2024. See webpage.
(9) Lunch-N-Learn* is a supervised lunch hour where students watch and discusss science programming (How Its Made, National Geographic, Planet Earth, etc.) while they eat their lunches. Because the featured topics are from science/nature, Compass can now invoice this program through the VA K-12 Grant. Lunch-N-Learn is offered Tue, Wed, and Thu at 11am, 12pm, and 1pm. As a reminder, kids under age 13 may not have unsupervised hours-off between classes. Families can sign up for a quarter-long session through the registration page or can sign up online for a one-time drop-in for $15.00 per day.
(10) Co-Working Offices. Parents are welcome to rent quiet co-working offices in Suite H while their children are in class. Offices are available for $20.00 per hour with a 1-hour minimum. Parents who wish to rent an office must first contact Compass to be added as a parent user and then set up user name, password, and reservation through the online system.
(11) President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA): Students ages 6-18 can now sign up to earn the 2023-24 PVSA award for their volunteer work. Recipients earn a medal, certificate, and letter from the president for community service work performed between Sep 1, 2023 and Aug 31, 2024. Read more about the program online. Compass students sign up online at no cost, and other, Northern Virginia homeschooled students sign up online for a nominal fee. Non-homeschooled students may pursue the PVSA through our sister organization, Volunteer Scholars.
(12) American Citizenship Award (ACA): Students ages 6-18 can now sign up to earn the 2023-24 ACA award for their volunteer work and learning activities related to citizenship. Recipients earn pin and certificate for efforts completed between Sep 1, 2023 and Aug 31, 2024. Read more about the program online. Compass students sign up online at no cost, and other, Northern Virginia homeschooled students sign up online for a nominal fee. Non-homeschooled students may pursue the PVSA through our sister organization, Volunteer Scholars.
(13) Resume Help: Compass parent Maryam House, who runs Resume Your Way, has offered free help to any Compass juniors or seniors prepare their personal resume for college applications or seeking a job. Contact Compass to be put in touch with Ms House.
(14) AP Art & Design Help: Compass art instructor, Pete Van Riper is a reviewer for the AP Art & Design exam. He has offered free mentoring to any Compass juniors or seniors who are self-studying for this exam’s written questions or student portfolio. Contact Compass to be put in touch with Mr. Van Riper.
(15) Private Music Lessons: A few spaces remain for private music lessons: Guitar or Drumming (Mondays- 11am; Wednesdays- 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, or 4:30 pm), Drumming (Tuesdays- 1:00 pm), Violin (Wenesdays- 1:00 pm) and piano, ukulele, flute, or voice (Wednesdays- 2:00 pm; Thursdays- 1:00 pm or 1:30 pm). Sign-up for a block of 7 lessons online or contact Compass with questions.
(16) Highest Speak * will be offering public speaking classes at Compass on Sunday afternoons starting October 8. The first 5-week session focuses on persuasive speech for kids in grades 2nd-4th (2:00 pm – 4:00 pm) and 5th-8th (4:00 pm- 6:00 pm). Find more information online.
(17) Jennifer Nowicki **, a certified dyslexia specialist and certified reading specialist (M.Ed., CALT, C-SLDS) who is also a former homeschool mom, has moved her professional practice, Spark Reading, into an office in Suite H. Families seeking support or evaluation in these areas can reach her through her website.
(18) Virginia School of Math *, run by Fairfax Collegiate, is offering math classes for 3rd-12th grade at Compass on Saturdays and Sundays. Find more information online.
*Accepts/Qualifies for the Virginia K-12 Learning Acceleration Grant. **Can invoice through Compass for the K-12 Learning Acceleration Grant
(19) **NEW** Cryptids Club (for grades 3-5/ages 10-12) will hold its first meeting on Wednesday, October 11, from 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm. This is a fun (not fear) based club for students to discuss, debate, and evaluate videos and claims about crypids- mythical (or real?) creatures such as the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, or chupacabras. Open to Compass and non-Compass students at no cost. Contact Compass to let us know if your child will be joining us.
(20) Alpha Rho chapter of the Homeschool National Honor Society (grades 8-12) meets bi-weekly, on Fridays from 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm alternating between business meetings with speakers and service projects. Applications are being accepted. The next meeting on Friday, October 6, is open to Compass and non-Compass teens who might be interested in the organization.
(21) Astronomy Club (for grades 7-12, minimum age 13) will have its next meeting on Tuesday, October 10, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Open to Compass and non-Compass students. Sign up online.
(22) Civil Air Patrol (for ages 12+) will have its next meeting on Thursday, October 5 from 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm. Open to Compass and non-Compass students. See webpage for more information.
(23) Homeschool Girl Scout Troop 3327 (for ages 5-18) will have its next meeting on Thursday, October 5 from 3:15 pm- 4:30 pm. Open to Compass and non-Compass students. Contact the troop for more information:
(24) Homeschool String Ensemble (for grades 4-8) can accept additional violin, viola, cello, or bass musicians at an advanced beginner to intermediate level play with others in a weekly ensemble. The group meets on Wednesdays at 11:00 am in a semester class format.
(25) Kids’ Game Day (for ages 8-13) will be held at Haley M. Smith Park (324 Van Buren Street, Herndon VA 20170) on Tuesday, October 10, at 3:00 pm for outdoor play. This is a drop-in, but names and emails will be collected so the group can be notified each week of an indoor or outdoor meet-up. Open to Compass students only.
(26) Middle School Social Club (for ages 12-14) holds bi-weekly social events for middle school-aged students, alternating between game days at Compass or the nearby park or attractions such as indoor mini-golf, trampoline, laser tag, etc. Contact Compass to be added to the mailing list.
(27) Minecraft Club (for grades 5-8) will have its next meeting on Monday, October 16, from 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm. Kids who enjoy building and exploring the beloved block world are invited to join and play together in a shared, collaborative Minecraft world. Sign-up online.
(28) MOEMS Math Club (for grades 4-6) will have its next meeting on Wednesday, October 4, from 3:15 pm- 4:15 pm. Math enthusiasts are invited to meet, practice, and prepare for the MOEMS Competition (Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools). Advanced 3rd graders are welcome. Sign up online.
(29) Kids’ Knitting and Crocheting Club (for ages 7-12) will have its next meeting on Thursday, October 26 at 3:00 pm. This is a drop-in with no sign-up needed.
(30) Teen Social Committee (for ages 14+) will have its next meeting on Friday, October 6 from 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm to plan the fall party, winter Snow Ball, and spring prom events.
(31) TGIF Game Night and Teen Jam Sessions (for ages 13+) are held weekly on Fridays from 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm in Suite D. These casual, drop-in social events with no RSVP.
(32) Teen Dungeons & Dragons Club will have its next meeting on Monday, October 9 from 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm. (Full, not accepting new members)
(33) High School Mock Trial Team will have its next meeting on Friday, October 6 from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm. (Full, not accepting new members)
(34) First LEGO Robotics League will have its next meeting on Wednesday, October 4 from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm. (Full, not accepting new members)