Homework and Testing Policies: Jen Hallworth

The following additional information on homework, testing, late submissions, and make-ups apply to the mathematics courses taught by Jennifer Hallworth:

Homework & Test Policy: Homework problems are assigned from the odd-numbered problems in the exercises found at the end of lessons/chapters in the textbook, for which the answers can be found in the back of the book. This is done so that students can check their own work to see if it is correct, and doing so is a vital component of this course.

If a student finds that they did a problem incorrectly, then they should consult their notes (note-taking is another expectation of the course). Examples of every type of problem that will be assigned are completed during class, with full detail and a discussion of common mistakes and how to avoid them, so that students should have a sort of “guidebook” to their homework contained within their notes (as well as within their textbook).

If a student is unable to identify their error, they should ask about the problem during class, and it will be discussed and worked out in detail in class. The instructor, of course, welcomes and encourages questions, as they are crucial to learning, but it is equally important that students also practice the habits of note-taking and studying, as well as checking and correcting their own work (insofar as they are able), if they are to succeed in this class and more broadly, in their study of mathematics.

Tests are only assigned once all the sections of the chapter and the respective homework assignments have been assigned and completed.  Students are expected to show their work and clearly identify their answers.

Homework grades are assigned purely on the basis of whether or not the work was completed, and points are deducted if portions of the homework are not attempted. Test grades are based on correctness of answers and correctness of work.

Grading Policy:  Instructor will provide a numerical grade for the class based on the outlined structure below.  Parents may choose to use this grade to determine a parent-awarded course grade.

  • Homework:  20% of overall grade – if homework is completed by the due date each week, student will receive full credit (correctness is not graded in homework). 
  • Tests:  80% of overall grade – students can expect 6-8 tests during the course.

Due Dates & Late Work: Timely submission of homework and tests is critical so students can receive feedback and clarification before progressing to new material. Scores on both homework and tests will be reduced by a penalty if submitted late. For every day late the assignment is, 10% will be deducted from the grade, for up to five class days. After five class days, the assignment will no longer be accepted.

  • 1 day late:   -10% (maximum grade for assignment/test is 90%)
  • 2 days late:  -15% (maximum grade for assignment/test is 85%)
  • 3 days late:  -20% (maximum grade for assignment/test is 80%)
  • 4 days late:  -25% (maximum grade for assignment/test is 75%)
  • 5 days late:  -30% (maximum grade for assignment/test is 70%)

Make-up Tests: Students who have submitted a test and are unsatisfied with their grade may redo the work and submit corrections along with the original assignment. They can earn 75% credit back toward their grade for everything corrected (you can raise your grade by up to 75% of what you originally missed). Test corrections must be submitted within two weeks of a test being returned to the student.  This policy does not extend to previously un-submitted work.