This is an exciting new feature, and there will be a learning curve. Here are some things that might help if you are having trouble with your Compass Family Profile.
[accordion title=”Nothing happens when I click Update to try to save my profile. What’s up?” active=”yes|no”]
You need to make sure all of the required fields on each tab of your profile editing form are filled out, or else the form will not allow you to submit it. So if isn’t saving, check each tab for notifications about required fields.
Also, there is JavaScript form validation that checks for all required fields, so if you are using a browser that doesn’t allow that to function properly, you may get unexpected results. Make sure JavaScript is enabled.
Here is a page with some additional details: How to Edit Your Compass Family Profile
[accordion title=”I didn’t receive an email about my family profile. Can I register to create one anyway?” active=”yes|no”]
Yes, if you register with the same email address you used to register for classes in the past, you will still be able to see your current schedule and class history. Click the “Log In” option from the main navigation menu, then choose the “Register” tab and enter your email address and choose a username. You will receive an email with a password, and then you can return to the site, log in, edit your password and update your profile details.
[accordion title=”Why don’t we log in using HTTPS?” active=”yes|no”]
Compass will be implementing SSL very soon to give an extra layer of protection to your family details.
[accordion title=”I reset my password but it didn’t take me back to the Edit Profile Page. Is this correct?” active=”yes|no”]
Yes, we are working on smoothing out the registration process, but if you reset your password and then it tries to take you to the WordPress Dashboard for Compass, just enter the Compass website URL ( and then use the appropriate menu items to log in and edit your profile.
[accordion title=”Where can I find the authorization forms I have already submitted? I don’t see them in my class history.” active=”yes|no”]
We are working on adding a separate view of your history to show forms. It will be available soon. In the meantime, check your confirmation email to see the students for whom you have submitted forms.
[accordion title=”If I find a bug or have a technical problem, what should I do?” active=”yes|no”]
Please notify if you have a problem. Please include the following information:
- What device type are you using? Laptop, mobile phone, tablet?
- What steps did you take before encountering the problem?
- Were you logged in?
- Can you take a screen grab to show us the error?
- If you know how to enable and view your javascript console, do you see any errors there?