Homeschool Counseling: Customized Transcript Design


Fee for the design of your teen's transcript. Includes a 60-minute advising session where information is gathered on the homeschooled high school student. The homeschool family is responsible for bringing records of all completed and in-progress high school efforts. Prior to the meeting, families will receive a lists of suggested materials/records to bring for use in consolidating and clarifying homeschool experiences and crafting the transcript. In general, it will take the advisor 2 weeks to get a first draft back to the family. Then, another 30-minute advising session is suggested for review, questions, and comments. This fee includes a 2nd revision of the transcript and final submission to the family as a pdf.  Further updates will be billed at $100.00 per hour.

Advising will be with Compass founder/director Jenny Grove-Bradshaw, who earned a College Admissions Specialist Certificate from the American School Counselor Association and a Certificate in College Counseling from the University of California San Diego.  The custom transcript design is for one high school student and the student's parent(s)/guardian. Once you have pre-paid for the service, you will be contacted to schedule at a mutually convenient time.


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