Teen Form 2024 - 2025


Please fill out this form for each Teen, age 13+, who is taking classes at Compass. Please note that an unaccompanied Teen may not remain on campus during non-class hours (before, between, or after scheduled classes), clubs, or special events without this form on file.

Free Event

Start Time: 9:00 am
End Time: 5:00 pm

Start Date: September 1, 2024
End Date: June 1, 2025

Student Information

Teen Form

Students ages 13+ may be dropped off, walk in, sign themselves in, wait, study, eat, or socialize between classes, sign themselves out, and walk out to the parking lot to be picked up if (a) the family is comfortable with that arrangement, (b) the student is capable, understands and accepts all rules, and (c) there is a Teen Form on file.

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