This is the fee for a Language Arts Skills Inventory with reading specialist Mrs. Vanlandingham. All new students who wish to be considered for enrollment in a Reading Rally language arts program must be assessed for level prior to registering. Mrs. Vanlandingham will advise families what level (Red-1, Green-2, Blue-1, Silver, etc) to register for.
Once a family has paid for a Skills Inventory, the specialist will be in touch about scheduling. Most assessments are held on Monday or Wednesday afternoons. All assessments are held in person at Compass. Virtual assessments will not be offered.
The assessment is typically 20-30 minutes long for the child, with an additional 20-30 minute parent discussion. Students are given the Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) which takes into consideration the 5 Pillars of Literacy: Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Reading Comprehension. Within those categories, the QRI has more than 30 measures including vowels, blends, articulation, implicit and explicit questions, self-correction, and miscue analysis. Students will also be asked to write a brief retelling of a sample passage.
Parents will be advised which level Reading Rally their child should register for. Parents will not receive a detailed report but may take notes on the specialist's observations and recommendations. The assessment fee is non refundable if the family elects not to enroll in a Reading Rally class. Please note that 10 levels of Reading Rally are offered for Fall 2024, and the recommended level could be on a Monday or a Wednesday and may fall at a time that conflicts with other class preferences.