Writing Wonders: My Memories (Tue)* NEW


Writing is a fundamental skill for school and for life, and it gives kids a voice! In this class, third and fourth graders will explore writing in many different ways. They will learn the basics of good writing and the art of revision. Classes will consist of simple lessons on writing plus in-class writing practice. Students will always be encouraged to write about what interests them, but they will also always be given fun, creative writing prompts so no one feels the panic of figuring out "what to write."

First quarter, students will write about personal experiences and memories. This is one of the easiest themes for children to start writing about, as they are usually bubbling over with stories to tell. They will learn to organize their recollections into a logical structure of what happened first, second, last, etc.

The goal for this course is for young students to gain confidence, increase writing fluency, and learn how to incorporate writing into everyday work and play. Each week, the instructor will share brief lessons on grammar such as correct capitalization, agreement, tenses, parts of speech, use of adjectives/adverbs, etc. They will also learn the steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing, and strategies for each state. Student must be minimum age 8 to take this class and should be on grade level for reading and handwriting.

Topics in this Series: My Memories (Quarter 1); Transforming Tales (Quarter 2), Fun with Fiction (Quarter 3), and Fact Finder (Quarter 4).

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