The Checkmate Champs Chess Club meets weekly at Compass for supervised play. Students will be paired by experience and ability. Players are expected to be familiar with the basic rules of chess or be currently enrolled in a chess class. There will be no formal instruction during club meetings. Checkmate Champs is a friendly, low-stakes atmosphere where players will have the chance to play in person, OTB (“over the board”) and practice winning and losing graciously, self-discipline, concentration, and critical thinking. Club members will learn about local tournaments and may chose to register and play as a team.
- Checkmate Champs is for homeschooled players in grades 2 – 8 (ages 7-14)
- Players must be homeschooled, but are not required to be enrolled at Compass. Players from the homeschool community at-large are welcome to join.
- Weekly on Thursdays, starting September 19.
- The club will meet in room D-5.
- Compass members are asked to pay a $20.00 club fee which includes a club t-shirt.*
- Non-Compass members are asked to pay a $35.00 which includes a club t-shirt* and facility fee.
- Member can join on the Compass Activity Fee webpage.
- *Note: Club t-shirts will be ordered in bulk in mid-October. Anyone joining the group after that date will incur an additional fee for a single imprint of the club t-shirt.
- Details about local chess tournaments and events will be shared with members. Those who wish to participate in tournaments may attend as a team which can earn individual and team awards.
- Members who register as part of the team will receive discounted registration fees for some area tournaments.
- Members’ families would be expected to pay registration fees for tournaments.
- Members who wish to participate in local U.S. Chess Federation-rated weekend scholastic tournaments must also pay for a U.S. Chess Youth annual membership, which costs $20.00.
- Contact the club parent facilitator by email: